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核心提示:美国农业部食品安全与检查局(FSIS)发布的《禽肉检查法案》(PPIA)法规,由188bet金宝搏官网登录 汇总整理,仅供参考。
  美国畜牧业发达,畜牧业管理法规也比较健全,在畜产品安全卫生方面,有《联邦肉类检查法》、《禽肉检查法》、《蛋类产品检查法》等多部法律法规,该篇bet188体育投注 主要汇总了《禽肉检查法》的法律规定。内容如下:

  Sec. 451. 国会决议声明(Congressional statement of findings)

  Sec. 452. 国会政策声明(Congressional declaration of policy)

  Sec. 453. 禽肉检查相关定义(Definitions)

  Sec. 454. 联邦和州政府合作发展和管理禽肉产品检查计划(Federal and State cooperation in development and administration of State poultry product inspection programs)

  Sec. 455. 官方机构的检查(Inspection in official establishments)

  Sec. 456. 经营场所、设施和设备(Operation of premises, facilities and equipment)

  Sec. 457. 标签和容器标准(Labeling and container standards)

  Sec. 458. 禽肉检查法案禁止的行为Prohibited acts

  Sec. 459. 禽肉企业需遵循的规定(Compliance by all establishments)

  Sec. 460. 杂项条款(Miscellaneous activities subject to regulation)

  Sec. 461. 罪行和惩罚(Offenses and punishment)

  Sec. 462. 违反行为的报告;通告;违反者陈诉意见的机会(Reporting of violations; notice; opportunity to present views)

  Sec. 463. 禽肉制品规章制度(Rules and regulations)

  Sec. 464. 豁免(Exemptions)

  Sec. 465. 禽肉及其他产品进入官方机构的限制(Limitations upon entry of poultry products and other materials into official establishments)

  Sec. 466. 禽肉产品的进口(Imports)

  Sec. 467. 禽肉检查服务(Inspection services)

  Sec. 467a. 行政拘留;期限;待定的司法诉讼,政府当局的通知;释放(Administrative detention; duration; pending judicial proceedings; notification of government authorities; release; removal of official marks)

  Sec. 467b. 扣押和定罪(Seizure and condemnation)

  Sec. 467c. 联邦法院关于强制诉讼和其它类型案件的司法管辖权;限制;美国为原告;传唤(Federal court jurisdiction of enforcement and injunction proceedings and other kinds of cases; limitations; United States as plaintiff; subpoenas)

  Sec. 467d. 管理和实施;处罚条款的适用性;调查的进行;法院的职权和司法权(Administration and enforcement; applicability of penalty provisions; conduct of inquiries; power and jurisdiction of courts)

  Sec. 467e. 非联邦管辖范围内的联邦监管事项;关于企业标志,标签,包装和配料检查服务的附加或不同要求的禁止;记录和相关要求;用于人类食品的掺假、误标和出口商品分销的共同管辖;其他事项

  Sec. 467f. 联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案的应用(Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act applications)

  Sec. 468. 禽肉检查费用;加班费用(Cost of inspection; overtime)

  Sec. 469. 拨款授权(Authorization of appropriations)

  Sec. 471. 安全肉类和禽肉检查小组(Safe Meat and Poultry Inspection Panel)

  Sec. 472. 为小型企业洲际船运运送经联邦和州政府机构检查的禽肉(Interstate shipment of poultry inspected by Federal and State agencies for certain small establishments)
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