当前位置: 首页 » 政策法规 » 118bet官网 »Sec. 467e. 非联邦管辖范围内的联邦监管事项;关于企业标志,标签,包装和配料检查服务的附加或不同要求的禁止;记录和相关要求;用于人类食品的掺假、误标和出口商品分销的共同管辖;其他事项

Sec. 467e. 非联邦管辖范围内的联邦监管事项;关于企业标志,标签,包装和配料检查服务的附加或不同要求的禁止;记录和相关要求;用于人类食品的掺假、误标和出口商品分销的共同管辖;其他事项

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-08-05 09:12:04  来源:USDA  浏览次数:2730
发布文号 暂无
发布日期 暂无 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该规定包括非联邦管辖范围内的联邦监管事项;关于企业标志,标签,包装和配料检查服务的附加或不同要求的禁止;记录和相关要求;用于人类食品的掺假、误标和出口商品分销的共同管辖;其他事项。

  Sec. 467e. Non-Federal jurisdiction of federally regulated matters; prohibition of additional or different requirements for establishments with inspection services and as to marking, labeling, packaging, and ingredients; recordkeeping and related requirements; concurrent jurisdiction over distribution for human food purposes of adulterated or misbranded and imported articles; other matters

  Requirements within the scope of this chapter with respect to premises, facilities and operations of any official establishment which are in addition to, or different than those made under this chapter may not be imposed by any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, except that any such jurisdiction may impose recordkeeping and other requirements within the scope of paragraph (b) of section 460 of this title, if consistent therewith, with respect to any such establishment. Marking, labeling, packaging, or ingredient requirements (or storage or handling requirements found by the Secretary to unduly interfere with the free flow of poultry products in commerce) in addition to, or different than, those made under this chapter may not be imposed by any State or Territory or the District of Columbia with respect to articles prepared at any official establishment in accordance with the requirements under this chapter, but any State or Territory or the District of Columbia may, consistent with the requirements under this chapter exercise concurrent jurisdiction with the Secretary over articles required to be inspected under this chapter for the purpose of preventing the distribution for human food purposes of any such articles which are adulterated or misbranded and are outside of such an establishment, or, in the case of imported articles which are not at such an establishment, after their entry into the United States. This chapter shall not preclude any State or Territory or the District of Columbia from making requirement or taking other action, consistent with this chapter, with respect to any other matters regulated under this chapter.

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