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澳新食品标准法典-2.5.7-奶粉、淡炼乳及炼乳(Dried Milks, Evaporated Milks and Condensed Milks)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2013-07-26 02:15:36  来源:comlaw  浏览次数:3193
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing
发布文号 Standard 2.5.7
发布日期 2000-12-20 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 该标准规定了奶粉、淡炼乳及炼乳组分具体要求。奶粉、淡炼乳及炼乳的生产加工要求详见4.2.4(仅限澳大利亚),新西兰对乳及乳制品有专门加工要求。
最新文本请详见   2.5.7.pdf,已更新至2014.10.30
This Standard contains specific compositional requirements for dried milks, evaporated milks and condensed milks.
Editorial note:
The Australian processing requirements for dried, evaporated and condensed milks are contained in Standard 4.2.4.
New Zealand has its own processing requirements for milk and milk products.
Table of Provisions
1             Interpretation
2             Composition of dried, evaporated and condensed milks
3             Permitted ingredients
Schedule Component requirements for milk products
1             Interpretation
In this Code –
condensed milks mean either, milk products obtained by the partial removal of water from milk with the addition of sugars, or milk products of the same composition obtained by any other process.
dried milks mean powdered milk products obtained by the partial removal of water from milk.
evaporated milks mean either, milk products obtained by the partial removal of water from milk by heat or milk products of the same composition obtained by any other process.
2             Composition of dried, evaporated and condensed milks
(1)           The fat, or protein, or both fat and protein, content of the milk used to make dried milks or condensed milks, may be adjusted to comply with the compositional requirements set out in this Standard, by the addition or withdrawal of milk constituents in such a way as not to alter the whey protein to casein ratio of the milk being adjusted.
(2)           Dried milks, evaporated milks and condensed milks must contain no less than 34% m/m milk protein in milk solids-non-fat.
(3)           In addition to the general compositional requirements of this Standard, the milk products listed in Column 1 of the Schedule, when made from cow’s milk, must contain the components listed in Column 2, in the corresponding proportions specified in Column 3 of the Schedule.
3             Permitted ingredients
(1)           Evaporated milks may contain –
(a)          salt; and
(b)          water.
(2)           Condensed milks may contain –
(a)          salt; and
(b)          water; and
(c)          sugars.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Dried whole milks
Minimum 26% m/m
Maximum 5% m/m
Dried skim milks
Maximum 1.5% m/m
Maximum 5% m/m
Condensed whole milks
Minimum 8% m/m
Milk solids
Minimum 28% m/m
Condensed skim milks
Maximum 1% m/m
Milk solids
Minimum 24% m/m
Evaporated whole milks
Minimum 7.5% m/m
Milk solids
Minimum 25% m/m
Evaporated skim milks
Maximum 1% m/m
Milk solids
Minimum 20% m/m

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