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SR 2002/396 食品(安全)条例2002— 15 授权人员的低酸罐头食品权责(Food (Safety) Regulations 2002—Powers of designated officer in respect of low-acid canned food)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-09-16 09:20:48  来源:新西兰立法  浏览次数:2949
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备注 如果生产商没有低酸罐头食品生产、加工或包装过程工序的合格监督人员、没有合法的设备、方法、加工和控制,授权人员则要对工厂持有人发出通告,通告中须阐明其涉及前提、被禁令的原因和禁令的生效日期,如果授权人员认为没有存在通告必要,则会撤销通告并以书面形式通知资产者或其他被通告人员该撤销决定,但当该通告仍具效力时,任何被通告人不得进行低酸罐头食品的生产、加工或包装和使用其经营场所。

  15 Powers of designated officer in respect of low-acid canned food(1) A designated officer may serve notice in writing on the owner or occupier of any premises prohibiting the use of the premises for, or in connection with, the manufacture, processing, or packing of low-acid canned food, if—

  (a) the processor does not have the person required by regulation 13 supervising the required operations whenever the processor is manufacturing, processing, or packing low-acid canned food; or

  (b) the facilities, methods, practices, and controls used by the processor are not in accordance with one of the codes specified in regulation 14.

  (2) A notice served under subclause (1) must—

  (a) state the premises to which it relates; and

  (b) state the reason for the prohibition; and

  (c) state the date on which the prohibition commences.

  (3) If, in the opinion of the designated officer, the reason for which the notice was served has ceased to exist, the designated officer must—

  (a) revoke the notice; and

  (b) notify the owner or occupier of the premises, and every other person on whom a copy of the notice has been served, in writing of the revocation.

  (4) While a notice remains in force,—

  (a) no person on whom it has been served may use, or permit the premises specified in the notice to be used, for the manufacture, processing, or packing of low-acid canned food; and

  (b) no person on whom a copy of the notice has been served, or who knows of its contents, may use the premises for the manufacture, processing, or packing of low-acid canned food.

  Compare: SR 1984/262 r 263(2), (3)

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