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§184.1498 食品添加剂微粒化蛋白质产品(Microparticulated protein product)

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放大字体  缩小字体 2011-07-26 10:49:19  来源:GPO  浏览次数:2595
发布文号 55 FR 6391
发布日期 1990-02-23 生效日期 暂无
有效性状态 废止日期 暂无
备注 按照§184.1(b)(2)规定,除现行良好生产操作规程外,食品添加剂微粒化蛋白质产品用于食品中无限制性规定。可用做§170.3(o)(28)中的增稠剂,§170.3(o)(32)中的品质改良剂,用于冷冻甜食食品,无需替代牛奶脂肪的标准化冷冻甜食除外。本食品配料无论用于散装和包装食品,必须标明蛋白质的来源、微粒化蛋白质产品中每一种配料的附带说明。

    更多关于已证实属于一般公认为安全(GRAS)的可直接加入食品中的物质种类,请点击美国FDA 21 CFR 第184部分已证实属于一般公认为安全(GRAS)的可直接加入食品中的物质种类汇总

  § 184.1498   Microparticulated protein product.

  (a) Microparticulated protein product is prepared from egg whites or milk protein or a combination of egg whites and milk protein. These protein sources may be used alone or in combination with other safe and suitable ingredients to form the microparticulated product. The mixture of ingredients is high-shear heat processed to achieve a smooth and creamy texture similar to that of fat. Safe and suitable ingredients used in the preparation of the microparticulated protein product must be used in compliance with the limitations of the appropriate regulations in parts 172, 182, and 184 of this chapter.

  (b) The ingredient is used in food in accordance with§184.1(b)(2) at levels not to exceed current good manufacturing practice. The affirmation of the use of this ingredient as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as a direct human food ingredient is based upon the following conditions of use:

  (1) The ingredient is used in food as a thickener as defined in §170.3(o)(28) of this chapter or as a texturizer as defined in §170.3(o)(32) of this chapter.

  (2) The ingredient is used in frozen dessert-type products except that the ingredient may not be used to replace the milk fat required in standardized frozen desserts.

  (3) The name of the ingredient used in the ingredient statement on both bulk and packaged food must include the source of the protein (e.g., “microparticulated egg white protein”), followed by a parenthetical listing of each of the ingredients in the microparticulated protein product, in descending order of predominance. Microparticulated protein product must be used in accordance with this requirement or its addition to food will be considered by FDA to constitute the use of an unapproved food additive (see §184.1(b)(2)).

  [55 FR 6391, Feb. 23, 1990]

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